Seminar & Forum Welcoming Reception for [TCS Seminar on Regional Education Cooperation: CAMPUS Asia in China, Japan and ROK
Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) hosted a welcoming reception for participants of on May 11, 2017 in Seoul, ROK. Representatives from 17 CAMPUS Asia consortia attended. TCS Secretary-General YANG Houlan and Deputy Secretary-General LEE Jong-Heon joined the reception.
During the reception, Secretary-General YANG Houlan delivered a congratulatory remark. He underlined the significance of education cooperation and its expected impact on strengthening the relationship between China, Japan and Korea despite the political and economic turmoil in the region. In this light, Secretary-General Yang shared a message of gratitude with the participating CAMPUS Asia representatives, highly recognizing their contributions to trilateral cooperation.
Distinguished guests at the reception included Dr. Christoph POLLMANN, Director at German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Seoul Office and representatives from Chinese Embassy ROK and Japan National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement Organization (NIAD-QE).
The reception aimed to serve as a networking platform for experts of higher education exchange and cooperation from CJK and beyond. Participants who attended the seminar interacted with others from within and outside of their CAMPUS Asia consortium to share information.