Seminar & Forum TCS Seminar on Regional Education Cooperation: CAMPUS Asia in China, Japan and Korea
Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) organized on May 12, 2017 in TCS office located in Seoul, ROK. The twofold purpose of the seminar was to serve as an information sharing and networking platform for the 17 CAMPUS Asia consortia and to discuss other existing cases of regional education cooperation. TCS Deputy Secretary-General LEE Jong-Heon attended.
Deputy Secretary-General LEE Jong-Heon opened the seminar with his remarks and thanked CJK Ministries of Education and CAMPUS Asia consortia representatives for the program’s contribution to trilateral cooperation. He emphasized the significance of the program highly recognized at the 1st Trilateral Education Ministers’ Meeting and expressed TCS’ wishes to offer all available means of support for its further success.
CJK government officials also participated in the seminar and shared congratulatory remarks. Director IWABUCHI Hideki from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), First Secretary of Education YU Yongquan from Chinese Embassy to ROK and Director KIM Chun-Hong from ROK Ministry of Education lauded the progress of the CAMPUS Asia Program, highlighting its potential to empower the future generations in East Asia as global and regional leaders.
Session I in the seminar was a closed session where consortia representatives were divided into three subgroups respectively focusing on non-academic student support, degree awarding and credit transfer, and alumni professional development. During Session I, Dr. FAN Shiming, Associate Dean of School of International Studies at Peking University, Dr. TAKENAKA Toru, Researcher at NIAD-QE, and Dr. CHOE Youngjeen from Chung-Ang University from CAMPUS Asia Joint Monitoring Panel moderated the subgroup discussions.
In Session II, Experts from Europe delivered informative presentations on the Erasmus Program’s experience with regional education cooperation. Ms. Viktorija KAIDALOVA, Programme Manager of EU Policies at EU Delegation to ROK, provided the overview of EU’s Erasmus+ programme, a comprehensive scheme encompassing mobility at various levels. The presentation was followed by CHE Consult Managing Partner Dr. Uwe BRANDENBURG’s introduction to Erasmus Impact Study, an analysis of Erasmus’ influence on mobility and internationalization.
Over 100 participants attended the seminar, including representatives from 35 CJK universities participating in CAMPUS Asia, to discuss past achievements and future strategies for CAMPUS Asia Program. As special observers, a group of Chinese, Japanese and Korean students enrolled in CAMPUS Asia program operated by Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Ritsumeikan University and Dongseo University attended Session II of the seminar.