Others The University of Tokyo Virtual Visit to TCS 2021.08.11
On August 11, 2021, TCS welcomed professors and students from the University of Tokyo to introduce the role of the TCS and discuss trilateral cooperation. Professor Toshiro Nishizawa from the Graduate School of Public Policy (GraSPP) of The University of Tokyo, faculty members, and graduate students joined the session. 

TCS staff shared information on the history of trilateral cooperation and TCS’ achievements. In turn, a presentation was made by a graduate student from The University of Tokyo about the COVID-19 effects on trilateral youth exchange. It was followed by a discussion between the TCS staff and students mainly focusing on the challenges of the pandemic and the effective use of online platforms to sustain interaction between the young generations. 

▲TCS Director of the Department of Social and Cultural Affairs Jieun Kim introducing TCS 

▲TCS staff answering discussion questions 

▲TCS staff answering discussion questions 

▲Group photo of the participants