TC Activities Inter-Regional Dialogue 2021: Application of Cutting Edge Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction in China, Japan and Korea 2021.10.13
On October 13, 2021, the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) hosted the Inter-Regional Dialogue on Regional Cooperation: Application of Cutting Edge Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction in China, Japan and Korea via Zoom with the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction – Office for Northeast Asia (UNDRR-ONEA). While the Inter-Regional Dialogue framework is one of the TCS’s annual events, this year’s round was unique as it aimed to both mark the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2021 and celebrate the launch of the TCS’s new publication titled “Trilateral Best Practices: Application of Technology for Reducing Disaster Risks in China, Japan and Korea.” TCS Secretary-General Amb. OU Boqian attended the webinar to deliver opening remarks alongside Marco TOSCANO-RIVALTA, Chief of the Regional Office of Asia and the Pacific of the UNDRR, and TCS Deputy Secretary-General SAKATA Natsuko led the seminar as Moderator. The Dialogue recorded over 240 viewers. 

Highlighting the significance of the trilateral cooperative mechanism on disaster management, SG OU wished this seminar would “inspire and empower the world beyond to apply the best knowledge and strengthen their innovative capacity to address outstanding challenges.” She also noted that the TCS plans to “extend its cooperation with governments, communities and practitioners around the world under the modality of “Trilateral Plus X.” 

For the seminar, eminent practitioners from the National Disaster Reduction Centre of China, Asian Disaster Reduction Centre of Japan, and the National Disaster Management Research Institute of Korea joined in to shed light on the contemporary science, technology, and innovation in disaster management in their respective countries. Prof. Rajib SHAW, Chair of the Asia-Pacific Science Technology and Academia Advisory Group (APSTAAG), also participated in the event as a discussant to suggest the future directions of inter-regional cooperation on DRR through cross-sectoral partnership among academia, private sector and media, as well as promoting multidisciplinary research cooperation. 

In her closing remarks, DSG SAKATA spoke highly of the discussion the speakers and discussant built during the seminar and suggested that the disaster risk reduction community around the world should continue to cooperate further through proactive knowledge-sharing and collective learning. She emphasized the TCS will continue to make more efforts in this regard as well. 

More information about the event can be obtained from 

▲SG OU Boqian delivering opening remarks 

▲DSG SAKATA Natsuko moderating the webinar 

▲Group Photo