Others TCS Consultative Board Paid a Courtesy Call on Mr. PARK Byunghong, Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) 2021.11.24
On November 24 , 2021, TCS Secretary-General Amb. OU Boqian, Deputy Secretary-General BEK Bum-hym and Deputy Secretary-General SAKATA Natsuko (collectively as the “Consultative Board”) paid a courtesy call on Mr. PARK Byunghong Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (MAFRA). Both sides shared the importance of strengthening communication to advance cooperation in the agricultural sector. 

Deputy Minister PARK extended his congratulations on the 10th anniversary of the TCS, noting with expectation that the TCS would develop further under the leadership of the 6th Consultative Board. He also acknowledged the TCS efforts to initiate a follow up project particularly in promoting exchanges among young rural leaders of the three countries. As the ROK takes the chairmanship of the 4th Trilateral Agricultural Ministers' Meeting (TAMM), Deputy Minister PARK enlisted TCS' continued cooperation in this area. 

SG OU underlined that the TCS plans to provide more substantial contributions to the consultative mechanisms, and would like to be informed on the progress of the consultations among ministries so that the TCS can provide timely support. She also reaffirmed the TCS’ commitment to building a platform for agricultural development and rural revitalization by introducing the relevant initiatives including the online symposium on "Trilateral Agricultural Development and Rural Revitalization beyond COVID 19” and a proposal for “Trilateral Young Rural Leaders' Exchange Program" highlighted by Deputy Minister. SG OU asked for MAFRA's continuous support in carrying out this program, hoping that it would serve as a channel to exchange good practices and experiences among young rural leaders. 

Deputy Minister PARK and SG OU shared the view that face to face communication would be more effective considering the nature of the exchange program and agreed to be prepared for the immediate implementation of an in-person exchange program when the COVID 19 restrictions are lifted. 

▲TCS Consultative Board and ROK Deputy Minister of MAFRA 

▲Deputy Minister PARK Byunghong and SG OU Boqian