Others Meeting with Mr. HARAIKAWA Naoya, the Commissioner of Japan Tourism Agency
On September 11, 2024, TCS Secretary-General LEE Hee-sup met with Mr. HARAIKAWA Naoya, Commissioner of the Japan Tourism Agency, on the occasion of the Trilateral Tourism Ministers’ Meeting. They exchanged ideas on promoting tourism cooperation among the three countries, as well as between Japan and Korea.

▲SG LEE met with Mr. HARAIKAWA, Commissioner of the Japan Tourism Agency
- Joint Statement of the 9th Trilateral Tourism Ministers’ Meeting among the People’s Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea_JP_KR
- Joint Statement of the 8th Trilateral Tourism Ministers' Meeting_JP
- Joint Statement of the 7th Trilateral Tourism Ministers’ Meeting among the People’s Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea
- Joint Statement of the 5th Trilateral Tourism Ministers’ Meeting among the People’s Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea
- Joint Statement of the 1st Trilateral Tourism Ministers’ Meeting among the People’s Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea_CJK