Mechanisms Post-TEMM19 Working Level Meeting in Seoul, ROK
The Post-TEMM19 was held at Lotte Hotel, Seoul, ROK on December 22, 2017 as the close of TEMM19. Working level staff from the Ministry of Environment of ROK, the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China, and the Ministry of the Environment of Japan attended the meeting. TCS delegation led by Ms. JANG Eun-young, Director of Economic Affairs also participated in the meeting.
During the meeting, the three parties reviewed the implementation of Tripartite Joint Action Plan on Environmental Cooperation (TJAP) 2015-2019 nine priorities and the Joint Communique of TEMM19. Following the review session, Chinese delegation reported the current plan for TEMM20 which will be held in China in 2018. The three parties exchanged ideas on the format and expected outcomes of TEMM20. TEMM20 will not only be an occasion for each country to report annual progress, share information, and exchange ideas, but will also be an event to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the mechanism.
TCS delegation walked all parties through the next step of the current projects under the Public Awareness area in TJAP 2015-2019, namely the Trilateral Teacher’s Exchange Program and the promotional booklet on environmental public awareness. Ministries provided feedback on the projects.
The meeting ended in a positive and cooperative atmosphere and all three parties agreed to strengthen collaboration under the TEMM mechanism.

From Left to Right: Mr. Li Yonghong, Director of Division of Asian Affairs, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Environmental Protection of China, Mr. SEONG Suho, Director of International Cooperation Division, Ministry of Environment of ROK, Mr. EINAGA Daisuke, Deputy Director of International Cooperation Office, Ministry of the Environment of Japan

Ms. JANG Eun-young reported to the ministries on the projects that TCS is conducting under the mechanism

Group Picture
- Joint Communiqué of the 25th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Korea, China and Japan
- Joint Communiqué of the 24th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Japan, Korea and China
- Joint Communiqué of the 23rd Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Korea, China and Japan
- Joint Communique for the 22nd Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Korea, China and Japan (TEMM)
- Joint Communique for the 21st Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Korea, China and Japan (TEMM)
- Joint Communiqué of the 20th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Korea, China and Japan (TEMM)
- Joint Communiqué of the 19th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Korea, China and Japan
- Joint Communique of the 18th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Korea, China and Japan (TEMM)