Others Governor of Jeju Special Self-governing Province Mr. WON Hee-ryong Visited the TCS Office
Governor of Jeju Special Self-governing Province Mr. WON Hee-ryong visited the TCS office and exchanged views on tangible trilateral cooperation agendas and ways to enhance the cooperation in 2015 Jeju Peace Forum with TCS Secretary-General IWATANI Shigeo on December 19, 2014.
Secretary-General IWATANI emphasized the importance of efforts to expand the people to people exchange by local governments and showed gratitude to Governor WON for his hospitality toward TCS sessions during the 9th Jeju Peace Forum. Governor WON requested TCS to recognize the geographical uniqueness of Jeju Island as the center of Northeast Asia and suggested potential trilateral cooperative agendas in disaster management, environment, water resources, FTA, and youth exchange program which had been TCS’s focused areas.
They agreed to develop cooperation between the province and TCS to enhance peace and common prosperity in this region.

Group Photo

TCS and Governor WON exchanging their views on the trilateral cooperation