Others Visit by the Chinese Delegation from the 10th CJK Cooperation Dialogue
On October 13, 2023, the Chinese delegation from the 10th CJK Cooperation Dialogue, headed by Mr. CHI Fulin, President of China Institute for Reform and Development (CIRD), visited TCS and had a meeting with TCS Secretary-General LEE Hee-sup and Deputy Secretary-General YAN Liang. Both sides exchanged ideas on possible cooperation including the 11th CJK Cooperation Dialogue to be held in China next year.
Mr. CHI updated SG LEE on the 10th CJK Cooperation Dialogue held the previous day. Noting that the Dialogue marked its 10-year anniversary, he stated that the Chinese delegation shared a common understanding that TCS’ support would be essential for the Dialogue’s long-standing implementation. Mr. CHI also elaborated on CIRD’s establishment of the RCEP Think Tanks Networks with support from the Chinese MOFA and relevant stakeholders. CIRD is planning to implement thematic studies and hold a RCEP International Forum, of which CJK would be one of the focuses. In this regard, CIRD hopes to work with TCS to promote trilateral economic trade cooperation and CJK FTA under the RCEP framework.
SG LEE appreciated the delegation’s suggestions and TCS will provide possible support as requested. Noting that during the pandemic the three countries have been going through difficult times, he emphasized that now is the time to revitalize cooperation and exchanges, especially in economic areas, with the three countries leading this process in the RCEP framework.

▲SG LEE Hee-sup in discussions with Mr. CHI Fulin

▲Group photo of SG LEE, DSG YAN and the Chinese Delegation