Others TCS Deputy Secretary-General YAN Liang met with ALBRITO Paola, Director of UNDRR headquarter in Geneva 2023.11.02
On November 2, 2023, TCS Deputy Secretary-General YAN Liang had a meeting with Ms. Paola Albrito, Director of United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and Mr. Marco Toscano-Rivalta, Chief of the UNDRR Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Mr. Sanjaya Bhatia, head of UNDRR ONEA & GETI was also in attendance. 

DSG YAN extended his gratitude for the visit of the UNDRR delegation and their long-standing partnership with the TCS, including co-hosting seminars and training, such as CJK Education and Training Institutes Online Workshop held in August and International Disaster Resilience Leaders Forum Incheon 2023 held in September. DSG YAN emphasized the importance of continuous cooperation between TCS and UNDRR and hoped to seek for more collaborative projects in future. 

Ms. Paola expressed her appreciation for the tremendous cooperation that has taken place between the TCS and the UNDRR to promote the awareness and understanding of disaster management among the general public as well as government officials in Northeast Asia. She echoed that more cooperation between the two organizations is needed to promote DRR capacity building and implement the Sendai Framework in the region and beyond. 

▲TCS Deputy Secretary-General YAN Liang met with ALBRITO Paola, Director of UNDRR headquarter in Geneva 

▲Group Photo 

▲Meeting in Progress