Others Secretary-General LEE Hee-sup Paid a Courtesy Visit to Vice Minister XU Jiaai of Ministry of Emergency Management of China
On December 4, 2023, Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) Secretary-General LEE Hee-sup
paid a courtesy call to Mr. XU Jiaai, Vice Minister, Ministry of Emergency Management of China
in Beijing.
Secretary-General LEE appreciated the endeavors by the Ministry of Emergency Management of
China, together with the latter’s counterparts in Japan and the ROK, to keep the consistence and
regularity of the Trilateral Ministers’ Meeting on Disaster Management despite the fluctuation of
the bilateral relations of the three countries and the difficulties brought by the pandemic, which
showcases the three governments’ determination in jointly safeguarding the fundamental interests
of the people. He reiterated TCS’ commitments to further facilitate the Trilateral Ministers’
Meeting on Disaster Management and its affiliated mechanisms, so as to bring more tangible
benefits to the people of the region.
Vice Minister XU briefed on the functions of the Ministry as well as China’s cooperation with
Japan and the ROK on disaster risk reduction under various international cooperative schemes
including UN SDGs, Trilateral Cooperation and relevant sub-regional arrangements. Speaking
highly of TCS’ positive engagements in the Trilateral Ministers’ Meeting on Disaster Management
including TCS’ leading role on the trilateral working-level meeting on disaster management and
regular workshops among the National Disaster Reduction Center of China, Asian Disaster
Reduction Center in Japan, and UNDRR OENA & GETI, he extended high expectations on a
deepened cooperation between the two organizations.
Both sides had view exchanges on the early convening of the next Trilateral Ministers’ Meeting
on Disaster Management and an early resumption of the project of Table Top Exercise on Disaster
▲Vice Minister XU Jia-ai and Secretary General LEE Hee-sup
- The 7th Trilateral Joint Statement on Disaster Management Cooperation
- The 6th Trilateral Joint Statement on Disaster Management Cooperation
- The 5th Trilateral Joint Statement on Disaster Management Cooperation
- The 4th Trilateral Joint Statement on Disaster Management Cooperation
- The 3rd Trilateral Joint Statement on Disaster Management Cooperation
- Joint Statement of the 2nd Trilateral Heads of Government Agency Meeting on Disaste Management
- The 1st Trilateral Joint Statement on Disaster Management Cooperation